Make vitatop recipe

Do It Yourself Deep Chocolate VitaTop.
The inspiration for today’s post came from a reader who is tired of buying VitaTops because they are expensive. The VitaTop, in case you missed it, is a muffin top

Trisha's Oatmeal, Banana & MiniChocoChip.
Vita Muffin Recipe VitaMuffin VitaTops
Eggnog Mania, and VitaTop Recipes Galore!
This is my version of the copycat vitatop muffin recipe that I found. Since some of the reviews stated that the muffins were dry, I made a couple of changes. In the
My spin on the very delicious, but very expensive VitaTop Muffins. They give you 4 in a box for around $10. This recipe is for 24 and it's roughly about $3 for all 24
Make vitatop recipe
Make vitatop recipe
Eggnog Mania, and VitaTop Recipes Galore! Low fat Chocolate muffin (Vitatop.Hi Hungry Girl, I was just wondering if there is any eggnog out there that does not have a lot of calories and would be okay to have around the holidays.
Low fat Chocolate muffin (Vitatop. .